Welcome to the website of the

Laboratory of Polymer and Soft Matter Dynamics

Laboratoire de Dynamique des Polymères et de la Matière Molle

last update 05.09.24


05.09.24 Erik won a poster prize for his work on the SAP and the adsorption rate of polymer melts at BDS2026. Congrats!

01.09.24 We have open positions for one  postdoctoral researcher and one PhD student. Contact us for more information.

21.06.24 Florian Pabst obtained a 3-year postdoctoral appointment from FNRS, congratulations! He will join us in Brussels in a few months.

14.06.24 In our newest paper on PRL we describe a simple model to predict the adsorption rate of polymer melts.

05.02.23 Chemistryworld wrote an article on the SAP, following the publication of our PCCP paper on small organic molecules.

01.10.23 SSN has been promoted to the level of Professeur.

15.12.22 We welcome Federico Caporaletti as new member of our lab

07.09.22  SSN has been elected Secretary of the International Dielectric Society

04.09.22 Erik, Federico, Florian and SSN are attending the 11th International BDS conference in San Sebastián

01.09.22 We welcome Florian Pabst as new member of our lab

21.06.22 Federico Caporaletti obtained a 3-year postdoctoral appointment from FNRS, congratulations! He will join us soon in Brussels

15.05.22 We welcome Erik Thoms as new member of our lab

15.04.22 Science Advances published our paper on the SAP, a new molecular process discovered by our lab

08.04.22 We welcome Chun Li as new member of our lab

04.04.22 We welcome Thomas Dat as new member of our lab

25.01.22  Matteo Sanviti is visiting our lab for a few months, welcome!

20.09.21 We welcome Kai Wang as new member of our lab

13.09.21 We welcome Alberto Bermejo Diez as new member of our lab

21.06.21 We have two open positions for postdoctoral researchers – apply here!

01.05.21 We welcome Louanne Pommier as new member of our lab

01.03.21 We wish all the best to Cristian Rodríguez-Tinoco who will join the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona as tenure-track lecturer

01.09.20 We welcome Anabella Abate as new member of our lab

28.08.20 Nature Comm published our paper on the physics of polymer desorption

01.08.20 We welcome Bao Wang as new member of our lab

01.05.20 Soft Matter published an invited review paper of SN on irreversible adsorption.

15.01.20 PRL published our paper on glassy dynamics on rough substrates as Editors’ Suggestion

16.10.19 Weide Huang successfully defended his PhD Thesis!

08.10.19 Macromolecules published a perspective of SN and collaborators on nonequilibrium pathways and processing of polymers. The cover of the journal features their work

01.10.19 We welcome Kévin Liénard as new member of our lab

01.09.19 We are now a member of EST, the ULB unit of Experimental Soft Matter and Thermal Physics

01.07.19 We welcome Allen Mathew as new member of our lab

20.06.19 Cristian obtained a 3-year postdoctoral appointment from FNRS, congratulations!

15.01.19 We welcome Cristian Rodríguez-Tinoco as new member of our lab

20.12.18 Congratulations to Alice for publishing her first paper

15.09.18 We welcome Zijian Song as new member of our lab

15.06.18 Congratulations to Alice for defending her Master thesis

06.06.18 ACS Central Science published a paper of our group on how nanoconfinement can be used to control interfacial interactions

06.06.18 Our new banner image has been designed by Chiara Effe, a talented graphic designer and illustrator

01.06.18 Congratulations to Zijian Song for receiving a PhD scholarship from the Chinese Scholarship Council, that will allow her to join our group in September

29.05.18 A breakthrough paper of our group on interfacial interactions will soon appear on ACS Central Science

23.02.18 The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters published a paper of our collaboration with Wojciech Ogieglo and Nieck Benes, University of Twente

15.10.17  Alice Debot joins our groups as Master Student

05.10.17 The website of BDS2018, the upcoming Dielectric Spectroscopy conference chaired by SN, is online

01.10.17 Pragya Tripathi joins our group as postdoctoral researcher

01.09.17 PRL published our paper on the equilibration of thin polymer films

01.03.17 The review paper of SN on the glass transition of polymers has been featured on the cover of Reports of Progress in Physics

06.01.17 Science published a Perspective by SN on how fundamental studied on confinement effects helped solving a long-lasting problem of applied electronics is online

01.10.16 David Nieto Simavilla joins our group as postoctoral researcher

14.09.16 Brussels won the bid! SN will chair the next meeting of the International Dielectric Society.

30.09.15 Physics published a Viewpoint of SN on the dynamics of ring polymers trapped in a tube of linear macromolecules

14.07.15 Check the new book edited by SN on Non-equilibrium Phenomena in Confined Soft Matter

18.06.15 Congratulations to Jean Spièce for publishing his first paper. Check his work on the impact of nanoscopic confinement on the glass forming ability of thin films of PLLA. The artwork of Daniel E. Martinez Tong (our first header image) got to the cover of Soft Matter

09.04.15 An open position for a postdoctoral researcher – starting 01.10.15 (filled!)

10.04.14 Physical Review Letters has published a paper of Qiyun Tang, Wenbing Hu and SN on a new confinement effect observed in the physical aging of thin polymer films

15.09.14 SN got tenured, he’s now an Associate Professor

25.06.13 Discover our Colloquium paper on “Glassy dynamics of soft matter under 1D confinement” on EPJE

04.12.12 Nature Communications has published a paper of SN on the presence of medium-range order in supercooled liquids and its impact on the glass transition

29.11.12 The last chapter of the Master Thesis of SN has been finally published in a paper recently appeared on Nanotechnology, here’s the press release (in Italian)

05.09.12 SN received the Peter Debye Prize for Young Investigators for Excellence in Dielectric Research, established to encourage and support young scientists (< 36 yo) to continue research in Dielectric Spectroscopy and its applications.

18.05.12 Congratulations to Marie-Luise Braatz for defending her Bachelor Thesis on the impact of annealing on the Tg of supported films of PS, with the maximum score!

15.09.11 SN started an appointment as Assistant Professor at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)