Simone Napolitano

Born in Cosenza (Italy) 1981, after obtaining a master degree in Materials Sciences (Università di Pisa, Italy, Jun ‘05) and a PhD in Polymer Physics (KULeuven, Belgium Oct ‘05 – Oct ‘07, funded by the FP6 RTN Polyfilm, Marie Curie Actions, till Sep ‘08), I started a postdoctoral appointment granted by the FWO (Oct ’08 – Sep ‘11).Since Sep ’11 I hold a tenured position (associate profressor) at ULB, where I created the Laboratory of Polymer and Soft Matter Dynamics / Laboratoire de Dynamique de Polymères et de la Matière Molle.

I am an experimental soft matter physicist with a huge passion for molecular dynamics and (ultra)slow relaxation processes.  My research focuses on the molecular origin of the glass transition and the correlation between structure and dynamics in polymers and small molecules under external fields.


In my free time, I enjoy traveling, watching TV series and growing (white, night fragrant) orchids.